Snow White finished!

Well, almost.

Snow White as of last night. The skirt is finished but I may rehem it, it's still a little longer on (with the shoes) than I wanted. The cape is not anywhere finished... that's just my fabric pinned on to see how it would look LOLThe collar is also just pinned on, there's a lot of extra fabric around the neck that will be underneath the bodice when it's | My Facebook Page | Tumblr | Instagram

Snow White as of last night. The skirt is finished but I may rehem it, it’s still a little longer on (with the shoes) than I wanted.
The cape is not anywhere finished… that’s just my fabric pinned on to see how it would look LOL
The collar is also just pinned on, there’s a lot of extra fabric around the neck that will be underneath the bodice when it’s done.